Wednesday 17 April 2013

Skyrim-If you're a noob you'd try and...

1. Enchant without a soul gem and enchantment
2. Stay in Helgen and try to tame Alduin
3.  Fight the Greybeards (Don't try it!)
4. Take home a pet wolf
5. Kill everyone you meet
6. Join a giant camp
7. Go into the wild with no armour on
8. Punch the Jarl in Windhelm
9. Use frost/fire/shock against a flame/frost/storm atronach
10. Jump of the Throat of the World

The Skyrim Blog-Updates

Hello fellow 'bored' Skyrim fans, I have some news. Sighs from the fans: "Phew, he hasn't quit Skyrim!"

I have some news. First, I'm really bored and I really don't know what to post on the blog. Please give ideas! Secondly, I have decided to change the 'Skyrimguy's Weekly Guide' to 'Skyrimguy's Bi-Weekly Guide'. It may change back to the weekly schedule but at the moment I need to think of ideas for future guides.

I really need to get back into blogging. I am very glad you guys haven't stopped checking back here every now and then, but the reason is: I'm kind of bored.

Tuesday 9 April 2013

The Elder Scrolls Online Blog-Official Announcement!

Greetings Skyrim fans! I have a very important announcement to make today! As we all know of the coming ESO, I've thought of myself as not just a Skyrim person, but a TES person. This is why I have decided that as soon as ESO comes out, I will be making a ESO blog! When the time comes, I will post the link to the blog on this blog. The Skyrim Blog will be more quiet when ESO comes out, but it'll still be great!

Skyrimguy's Weekly Guide-How to rob a store blind

Hello every Skyrim fan out there and welcome to another issue of 'Skyrimguy's weekly guide'. I haven't been on very recently for reason unknown and yes, I should have done it last week so sorry viewers. Anyway, this week we're going to be telling you a few tips and tricks on robbing a store blind. If you are caught by a guard, say goodbye to your stolen goods! It is better to steal when you are in The Thieves Guild, as you can sell your stolen goods to the Thieves Guild and not normally to anyone else, as the merchant has to be marked as a 'Fence' not a 'General Goods'. So here are a few tips on doing these dirty deeds.
1. Take it out of the room
Easily a good way of stealing something. All you have to do is to hold it (not pick it up) and carry it out of the room, in a little room can not see you take the item. Take it through a door (which is recommended) and then click 'steal'. An awesome way of stealing something!!!
2. Break in
Depending on if your lockpicking and sneak skills are high enough, you may be able to pick the lock at night on the store's door. When inside, you will not have to worry about the merchants but you will have to worry about guards seeing you pick the lock. Be careful if you are going to try this!
3. Stealth
This option is only recommended to players who are excellent at sneaking. Simply go into the store, sneak so the merchants can't see you and then ram whatever you need into your pockets. Do not try this if your sneak skill is low, especially in stores with 2 merchants in them!
4. Violence
If you are feeling really evil, you can try and do a bit of blind, ugly violence. Never do this in stores with 2 merchants as you can never kill them both at the same time! This is definitely unrecommended, as you will probably have a hefty bounty (1040-2080 gold) after doing this. In quests for the Thieves Guild, they will not be pleased. Thieves steal valuables, not lives!

Week 3-A beginner's guide to exploration

Wednesday 27 March 2013

A Thank You to all our Viewers

Hello guys, and I just really wanted to say thank you to everybody who has viewed this blog. We've had people from Germany, Latvia, Indonesia, USA, Canada and so much more. When I started this blog I had no idea it would be so popular, even though I've had only one comment at the moment. I am really happy with the results and I hope the blog will get even more popular in future, when I become an even more experienced adventurer.

Skyrim-4th and 5th DLC!

Well, while searching the net for Skyrim gossip and news I found out that there would be 2 new DLCs, one of them possibly being called Redguard where you might be able to go to Hammerfell and learn about the Thalmor. There are going to be Dwemer and spears from what I've heard.They will be the last ever DLCs ever and I think Bethesda will start working on The Elder Scrolls VI after they are out. I don't know too much information yet, but I'll be sure to update this blog as soon as I find out more.

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Skyrimguy's weekly guide-how to slay a giant

Welcome everyone to the first 'Skyrimguy's weekly guide' and in this first guide the Skyrim man will be telling you how to defeat a formidable foe, the giant
You will need:
At least 24 levels
An exceptionally good weapon, preferably a orcish or elven two-handed weapon
A lot of health
A lot of potions/good healing spells

Giants are very tough and prove a tough foe to defeat in early levels, but they do provide you with an exciting trip to the moon. When you are at least level 24, collect lots and lots of restoration spells and health potions. Try to get a orcish or elven warhammer, which can be brought from a store at high levels. Seek out a giant camp and slay that beast. They are very hard so here are a few tips on fighting them.
1. DON'T attack their mammoths, especially at low levels
Mammoths may not look it, but they are every bit as tough as their giant friends. If you accidentally strike one, you should just flee the camp and try again in a different giant camp.
2. Keep moving back and forth to avoid being sent to the moon
Giants are deceptively fast, so if you're low on health you have to pray to god you have potions, or a quick healing spell. To avoid their club, keep striking and then retreat back a few paces, before striking again. This makes it easier to defeat giants at lower levels.
3. Bring lots and lots of potions
You'll definitely need them. You're bound to get hit at some point by a club and you may not have time to heal yourself with a spell before you arrive at the moon. So visit the apothecary before fighting a giant.
4. At low levels, seek out camps with one giant
It's a lot easier to defeat one giant at a time than taking on three or four at the same time. There are a few camps around the world which have one giant in. In camps that have two giants in, you could defeat the first giant but die because the second giant sent you to the moon. At low levels, always do this.
5. DON'T bring a follower!!!
Probably the most obvious one of all. You may think your follower will help you defeat the giants but it's a very high chance they'll go to the moon and never come back. Even at high levels, don't bring a follower, you'll save yourself lots of regret. If you really must bring one, get a dark brotherhood assassin as if they die you can get another one.

Hope the Skyrimguy has helped you defeat giants