Thursday 26 April 2012

~Some significant things I did today~
Discovered: Robber's Gorge, Cleared it
Wolfskull Cave
2 other cave's
Loads of caves
Skyborn Altar, Defeated dragon and absorbed word of power!
About 1 Nordic Tower
Apprentice Stone
Lord Stone
Crabbers Shanty
Shrine to Mehrunes Dagon
I'm not sure but I think another Daedric Shrine
Frostmere Crypt, cleared it
I think that's about it but I think I might have discovered a few more places can't remember
Standing Stones-Find 13 Standing Stones
Other stuff
Discovered Labrynthian but a Frost Troll owned me
Block about 30
Archery about 23
One-Handed about 50
Level 28
That's about it

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